
Fundraising at Terrace Ridge

At Terrace Ridge, we host a number of fundraisers each year. Some of the fundraisers benefit the school directly and some are done on behalf of other organizations.

Hot Lunch:

Our school council organizes and runs the hot lunches and snacks. The funds raised go to support a number of initiatives. Each year the school council provides a hot dog lunch for our Terry Fox Day and our Fun in the Sun Day (field day), provides $10 per student to off-set field trips during the year, and hosts the Craft a Gift Day. Depending on the amount raised, the school council will support other school needs. In the past, they have provided $500/yr for Musical Theatre, funds for musical instruments, library books, recess equipment, etc.

School Fundraising:

As a school, we have fundraised through various activities. We have pizza sales on select Fridays and we have sold apples to support our Eco Vision gardens. 

For Others:

- Terry Fox - 100% of the funds are given to the Terry Fox Foundation of Canada

- Giving Tree - 100% of the gift cards are given to families in need

- Jump Rope for Heart - 100% of the funds are given to the Heart and Stroke Foundation

Current Fundraising Priorities

Our fundraising goals are ambitious! (We have a few parents looking into establishing a Fundraising Society that would allow us to apply to run a casino.)

We will continue to fundraise through our Friday Pizza Sales and other programs such as FundScrip.

1. Recreational Education - For the 2023-2024 school year, we will be offering hip-hop dance, pound fitness, shadow boxing, yoga, and skating to all students. FUNDED  We will be providing opportunities like these in the 2024-2025 year.

2. Soccer Field Redesign IN PROGRESS

a. Wilson Ball pits / Gaga ball pits

b. remove current soccer goals and replace them with small soccer fields

3. ChromeBook Evergreening - We have Chromebooks for grades k-3. These need to be replaced on a 5-7 year cycle.

4. Instrument Replacement and Repair - We have many older instruments that we are replacing or repairing. One major xylophone was replaced through the School Council Fundraising in 2023-2024.

5. Physical Education Equipment - We replace equipment on a rotating basis to ensure we have high-quality equipment for our students to use. New high jump standards were purchased in 2023-2024.

6. Library Books - We host 2 Scholastic Book Fairs a year and our wish list keeps growing as students discover new authors and as favourite authors publish new books.

7. Field Trips - Our goal is to fund at least half of the cost of the grade 6 camp each year. 

8. Furniture Replacement

a. replace teacher chairs - most of these chairs are 20 years old - 10 purchased for 2024-2025.

b. replace the easy chairs at the front of the school

c. add soft furnishing to the kids' zone and library

9. Upgrade the Audio Visual system in the Gym

10. Replace the Blue Playground at the south of our field

FundScript - Helping TR through purchasing Gift Cards


Gift cards can be purchased and mailed to your home at any time. By using the link to buy gift cards, you are helping us reach our goals.