

Terrace Ridge School offers a variety of extracurricular activities.

We are pleased to offer the following clubs and teams:

Musical Theatre - $10

This program is offered each year to students in grades 4, 5 & 6. Students are immersed in training as actors and they learn the skills of theatre acting, stage singing and choreography; or they may choose backstage training where they learn the skills of lighting, sound, make-up and stage management. This program offers one main performance each year. Past performances have included: A Christmas Carol, Annie, Treasure Island and The Big Bad Musical.  Click here for the Musical Theatre page. LINK

School Choir - $6

This program is offered weekly to students in grades 3 and 4 from September to December. The choir usually performs each year at the Rotary Christmas Festival and may have other performances upon request.

Lunch Time Intramural Program

Monday to Friday from 11:50 - 12:10

This program offers students the opportunity to participate in activities to extend our Fun, Fitness and Fair play philosophy at Terrace Ridge School. Activities are held in the gym from November through April. Each grade has an assigned day.

Chess Club

We have a TR Lunch Time Chess Club each Wednesday. It’s a lunch recess club for grades 4-6. You’ll find the club in Mrs Wheeliker’s classroom. You can bring your own chess set if you have one. If not, we do have a couple of extra sets.   It is a student-run group. If you don't know how to play, we have a few students who will be there to teach you.

Drawing Club

We have a student-run drawing club that meets once a week during the colder months. Students are encouraged to participate in drawing a weekly theme.

Student News Club

Student News Club is open to all grade six students to come and contribute to the Terrace Ridge School Newsletter ‘TR Talks’. Students look at all the upcoming school events, sports, clubs, and classroom news to decide what to highlight for each month’s article submissions. Students choose the content they want to report on, connect for interviews, and then write the articles. As a new team, we add pictures and go through the editing process before publishing to our school community. 


GSA or the Gay Straight Alliance has two clubs at TR. Both clubs are run at lunchtime. Students typically join together in an inclusive environment and enjoy one another's company. The younger grades love a chance to sit and colour. Older students will often create posters for the school. This club is open to all students.

Cross Country Running Team - bussing fee for competitions

This team is available to all students in grades 4 - 6 during September and October each year. Practice sessions will be announced at the start of the year and go from 3:00 p.m. to approximately 3:30 p.m. Participants are required to run with the supervisor and the pack for safety. The distance for this age group is 2 km. 


Based on student interest, we run an afterschool or recess development club for interested students in grades 4-6.

Basketball Team

Based on student interest, we run an afterschool development club for interested students in grades 4-6.

Badminton Club

Based on student interest, we run an afterschool development club for interested students in grades 4-6.